Page 6 HIGH GEAR October 1980




A Publication of the GEAR Foundation Volume 7, Issue 2

1980 GEAR

HIGH GEAR is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohlo. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization that will permit distribution. It is a non-profit, federally tax-exempt publication.

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Messages: ARANY

Carl Hammond

Bill Suhay Bob Roehm Bob Kovach David Kahle Paul Charles

Paul Zimmerman David Kellogg Rick Snyder R. Woodward Win Welzer

Gordon Hathaway Dianne Fishman Barbara Lee Jeff Wobbecke Gail Burlee Marsha Perry Lori Cecelich

Dan Kahn... Tracey Ryan

$150.00 170.00 85.00 65.00 3.00

$.75 per 30 spaces Free

Classifieds are for the advertiser's monetary gain. Messages can be used by Individuals and organizations and are not for monetary gain.


Dear Editor:

In response to a letter in the July 1980 issue of High Gear, you stated that "female impersonation is a legitimate form of entertainment and does have a sizeable audience in and around the Cleveland area." That may be true, sad to say; however, while I knew I was naive, it seems that you are also.

I recently was surprised to find out that some of the current "drag" acts mouthing their way across the stage in and around the Cleveland are not female impersonators at all. They are females. These "persons" who stand up on stage and call themselves queens and compete in contests such as the Miss Gay

Cleveland Pageant are actually

women, dressed as women, lipping to records. Are they gay? Do they have lesbian lovers? Am I the only one who is confused? Let me make it clear that I do not like drag shows. But if 1 wanted to see a woman, dressed as a woman, singing to a record, could watch my mother mouth


Frank Sinatra. Perhaps what

needs to be done before a drag competition or show is for each contestant to prove that he is eligible. Standard regulationsize equipment could be considered sufficient proof.

David Kahle Lakewood

The Gay Lifestyle.

By Tom Villella

Dear Tom:

I think I am falling in love with a 14-year-old boy who is defintely gay, and I am 23. Help!

Dear Bill:

Bill P.

Now THAT is really a problem. You should be aware that sex with someone that age is against 'the law. You run several risks:If you get involved with someone that age, and then want to cool it: They may blow the whistle on you themselves. You are dealing with an immatuare individual, (Continued on Page 11),


Gay voter responsibility

No stand on gay issues by a political candidate is ever merely à stand on gay issues. A candidate's attitude towards the basic rights of that large group of American citizens who happen to be gay reflects upon his or her respect for the basic rights of all American citizens. How much sensitivity, honesty, arid courage a candidate shows in dealing with gay matters is a reflection of how much sensitivity, honesty, and courage this individual has for dealing with anything. Rhetoric by anti-gay types about the supposed personal profligacy of gay men and women is all too often a cover for the speakers' own political profligacy.

Claiming to be a protector of religion and morality has always been a ploy for grabbing power and avoiding questions about how well it is being used. Calling people immoral is a way to keep them from sharing power and influence.

More than two thousand years ago, Plato was noting that anti-gay activity is a major tool of tyranny and totalitarianism.

In his dialog the Symposium he has the speaker Pausanius say about gay activity. "It is shameful to barbarians because of their despotic government, just as philosophy and athletics are, since it is apparently not in the best interests of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships, or physical unions, all of which love is apt to produce...Whenever, therefore, it has been established that it is shameful to be involved in homosexual relationships, this is due to evil on the part of the legislators, to despotism on the part of the rulers, and cowardice on the part of the governed."

Notorious examples of anti-gay regimes in the 20th Century include the government of the Soviet Union, the present government of Cuba, and the government of Nazi Germany.

"Anyone who even thinks of homosexual love is our enemy." is a quotation from an official statement on gays issued on May 14, 1928 by the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.

Failures at providing responsible leadership, at inspiring voters to be more responsible citizens, those candidates who use antigay rhetoric indulge themselves by encouraging gross self indulgence in certain voters.

Anti-gay talk and activity, among those who can't or won't deal honestly with sexual matters, are favorite forms of self-indulgence. In the middle of the excesses of the "me" generation, anti-gay

activity is one of the grossest examples of people doing whatever happens to feel good with little regard for religion, morality, or the well being of others.

(Moral and religious arguments are excuses for such selfindulgence, not causes of it.)

There are few forms of self-indulgence that do more to pollute the social and political atmosphere with lies and hypocrisy. There is no form of neglecting and picking away at basic American principles and freedoms that makes any greater pretense of protecting them.

Self-defense by gay men and women, which includes voting carefully, is not only their right as citizens--it is their duty. In defending themselves, gay men and women help to strengthen the basic right of all citizens to defend themselves. By insisting upon honest, open consideration of themselves and their circumstances, they help to make open, honest discussion more of a public habit for everybody. It should never be lost sight of that the chief ploy and aim of anti-gay types is not disagreeing and arguing with gays but silencing them altogether. Claiming that what your opponents have to say is "unspeakable" is the anti-gay way of hogging power.

In voting next month, gay voters should not slight themselves. The rights of those American citizens who happen to be gay are not, and cannot be, an isolated, parochial issue..

Notable quote

R. Woodward

The sentences from Plato's Symposium in this month's editorial are taken from the translation and quoting of them by John Boswell in his new book Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, Gay People in Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century.

Preceded by the statement, "In the Symposium Plato specifically equated acceptance of homosexuality with democracy." Boswell's quotation of the passage reads, "It is regarded as shameful by the lonians and many others under foreign domination. It is shameful to barbarians because of their despotic government, just as philosophy and athletics are, since it is apparently not in the best interests of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or physical unions, all of which love is particularly apt to produce. Our own tyrants learned this lesson through bitter experience, when the love between Aristogiton and Harmodius grew so strong that it shattered their power.

"Wherever, therefore, it has been established that it is shameful to be involved in homosexual relationships, this is due to evil on the part of the legislators, to despotism on the part of the rulers, and to cowardice on the part of the governed." (Symposium 182B-D) ⚫ Aristogiton and Harmodius were lovers who plotted to assassinate

(Cont' page)